Blogging about my stranger than normal life...
Published on December 18, 2004 By RazorFeather In Misc
Force me to care.

Force me to cry, force me to do all the things I hate to do.

Push me over the ledge into the bottomless pit below, and then stand back and laugh.

Push your agendas on me, push me over the edge to insanity.

DO IT! All it takes is one more snide comment, one more hypocritical word. All it takes is one more tiny bit of hate, another one of your lies. Come on, it won't hurt you to cast me aside just like you've cast aside so many other fools. Just like me. I'm no different from them, why haven't you pulled the trigger yet?

"Wings can't protect you forever, kid. You can't keep hiding behind the lies."
"I can leave. I can move. No one has to remember me, no one has to think about me anymore. I can escape from them."
"Can you? Can you really escape?"

I don't know.

On angel's wings,

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