I don't know what to say.
Things get so out of hand anymore.
If I could get out of this, get away,
even when my heart is torn,
I think that I'd do it,
to get away from the madness.
I know that there isn't any innocence,
behind those beautiful eyes,
and I know that it doesn't make any sense,
to hurt so bad that I cry.
It hurts when you say those words,
I doubt you even realize it.
When you can be honest again,
maybe I can get over your past lies.
I know I don't feel your pain,
but I do know the size
of it.
Trust me, I don't understand you.
You say Peace like you mean it.
Do you?
Or is this just another one of those ploys to
draw me into
a web of dispair?
Either way...
You say Peace.
All I feel is chaos.